Promote and grow your business with Nosres Marketplace Ads

Reach and engage customers when they are searching for products, brands and stores on Nosres Marketplace.

Why Nosres Marketplace Ads

Nosres Marketplace Ads mission is to help business increase sales through awareness, consideration, and conversion.


Familiarize the public with your brand and tell them what value they will get when buying your product.


Get potential customers to think about your brand when making purchasing decisions.


Encourage potential customers to take a specific action, including adding products to carts, making purchases, etc.

Sales Increase

Generate more sales when more people know, consider buying, and eventually purchase your brand.

How it works

Define Ad Objective

Aim to increase product or brand awareness, encourage users to seek more information about your products or brand, and then encourage potential customers to take specific actions. This includes adding products to their carts or making purchases.

Create Ad Campaign

Choose between product or brand advertising campaign to promote your products or brand and reach potential customers. Those ads appear on the homepage, product listing pages product category pages, product detail pages, search results, etc.

Measure Ad Results

Get real-time analytics to monitor metrics and see insight into customer behavior as it happens. Not only will this help you see the performance of your campaigns, this will also enable you to correct errors and make improvements.

Advertising Solutions

We provide AI-powered advertising solutions to help customers discover your brand and increase traffic to your store. Customers can be targeted by gender, age, location, interest, etc.

Product Ad

Product ads are product listings that appear on product listing pages, product category pages, product detail pages, and search results pages on Nosres Marketplace. They allow customers to discover your products easily.

Sponsored Ad

Rand ads are banner campaigns that appear appear in the Nosres feed. You don’t need to have a Nosres store to run a sponsored ad on Nosres Marketplace.

Nosres Ad Pricing Options

We let you choose the ad formats and pricing options that suit your marketing goals. We currently use two methods to price ads on Nosres Marketplace:

  1. CPC or cost per click — you only pay each time a customer clicks on your ad.

    *Choose this option if you want to drive more traffic to your business.

  2. CPM or cost per 1,000 impressions — you pay only for every 1,000 impressions of your ad, regardless of whether the ad is clicked or not.

    *Choose this option if you want to build or increase brand awareness.

Start Advertising

Reach more customers and boost sales on Nosres Marketplace.